Jackson Hedden

Jackson Hedden

Jackson Hedden


Jackson Hedden is an award-winning iconic designer. With prolific designs for companies like Lamborghini, Lego, as well as small start-ups around the world. Jackson is an up and coming designer in America, specializing in aesthetics, out of the box ideas, and contemporary principles. His studio filled with generative design, beautiful material science, and talented visionaries who craft ideas into beautiful products. Jackson and his team believe that “true product design, is innovation,” that deep belief is emphasized in their work.

Jackson Hedden’s underlying principle of design is what makes his products so charming. One can find innovation in the smallest details of his artifacts. Jackson is not merely making products; he is making art. Jackson is continuously redefining what traditional design means. Taking old iconic beliefs and fusing it with elegant principles of sensation, artistry, and purpose.

This deep understanding of what design could be enables the products to transcend the conventional. Jackson Hedden redefines what profound design is, and changes the world while he does it.

Project Portfolio


Gillette wanted to bring a certain amount of elegance to everyone’s shaving experience. They wanted to resurrect the level of class and craftsmanship behind a quality shave; to take the heritage of Gillette and express it through contemporary design. Learning to shave is the first step to becoming a man; mastery is the step to becoming a gentleman.

Lamborghini Furniture Design

It is about ambiguity. It is about being multifaceted and versatile, a trunk or a chest to hold stationery, or simply, a bench to sit on. It is about not force-feeding someone the purpose of the product but allowing them to make their own interpretations. Powerful design is often not defined by the artist(s), but by those who will utilize the object for themselves.

Particleboard Solar Skateboard

The Particleboard was designed to be a competitor to your average motorcycle and bicycle. With a top speed of 73 mph, this product was one of the first with graphene batteries that can also charge with black silicon solar cells. These were more than just exceptional “features,” but a way to redefine an industry. It was about changing how we travel, no longer being limited by the need for a plug or pump. The Particleboard was about ensuring convenience, reliability and speed.


The form’s silhouette conveys a sense of modernity. By inverting the visual lines of a wine glass, the design is both classy and sleek. Usual is about creating a new wine experience. Although small, each bottle of wine can be enjoyed on its own, or a four pack can be shared with company. Even the packaging can transform into a reusable ice bucket. Instead of being dismissed as garbage, now, even the packaging can help to enhance your wine experience.


The Swizzle Collection. On the outside looking in, you would think that we are insane. This product is the exact opposite of those that would adhere to the modern design language, and I would agree. It’s not supposed to be present in time; it is a call to the future. It is challenging the “norm” of lighting and questioning what it could become. It is the display of these objects together that create a real juxtaposition of the contemporary language of design.

Rigmaroll Playground

What’s better than a 31ft giant playground that you can drive? When your a child in 3rd grade, #nothing is better. Because this is what dreams look like, this is what dreaming is. Using a sit and spin to steer a one-ton behemoth with a class of children pumping their hearts out, maxing this magnificent monstrosity out at 3mph. It’s something crazy that you thought could never exist, but not here. We make dreams, no matter how insane they sound because “insane” to us is just another word for coffee.