Trygve Faste, IDSA

The IDSA Young Educator of the Year 2015—Trygve Faste, IDSA—began with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, computer science and studio art from Whitman College, then earned a master’s degree in fine arts-painting from the Cranbrook Academy of Art. Faste designed at firms including IDEO, Fakespace and WET Design. But he felt the pull to return to the head of the class and in 2008 he joined California State University-Long Beach as an adjunct professor of design, then in 2010, became an assistant professor of product design at the University of Oregon. Faste also is the faculty advisor to the IDSA Student Chapter at the University of Oregon. He says his “work stems out of a curiosity—regarding human-created, physical reality through design, architecture and technology.” Nominating Faste for the IDSA Award,  University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts Associate Dean Brook Muller writes, “Trygve has impacted this program and our school in profound ways and in short order. He is a gifted educator who brings rigor, powerful conceptual thinking, enthusiasm and organizational skill to the studio and classroom.” Student Chris Lau says there were times he was “on the brink of tears while watching how easily Trygve can translate his thoughts to paper and how just a few strokes of his pencil can speak volumes.” Student Sam Selbie says on the first day of a drawing class, Faste led a sketching demo “that had us in awe.” He says what sets Trygve apart from the many other talented professors are his humility and selflessness. “Never have I met someone more willing to share his talent and passion so freely.” Graduate Chase Holenstein calls Faste a “Jedi.” Says Holenstein: “He’s like Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker combined. But instead of wielding a light saber he slashes Copic markers, to guide young designers in their quest to use the force for good!”

Activities for Trygve

IDSA Award Winner | Young Educator | 2015