Rina Shin, IDSA

CMF Design Consultant, Unwrap CMF  Rina Shin is a New York-based CMF Design Consultant, educator, and founder of Unwrap CMF – an online education platform to promote CMF Design (color, material, finish). As the former Head of CMF Design at Motorola, a Lenovo company, Rina has led the team successfully delivering iF and Red Dot award-winning products to the market. With over 14 years of global experiences at Fortune 500 companies and a M.A. in data science from Columbia University, presently, Rina has been helping global companies in crafting CMF strategies and trendwatching insights.

Activities for Rina

Speaker | Women in Design Deep Dive | 2024

“Feel Good” Design: The Power of Emotions

In this session, we’ll explore the unique strength of the often underspoken demographic in the design community—emotional intelligence. Not every designer is a natural speaker. For those who aren’t, sensitivity to details and emotions becomes a powerful alternative. Discover how emotions, when skillfully embedded in a product through colors and materials, can transform into compelling design outcomes that emotionally resonate with users. And, when artfully united with science like color data, these emotions can articulate a powerful statement that speaks to all stakeholders at the table.  

The Audience Will Learn: 

  1. How emotional connections, facilitated by the use of color, material, and finish (CMF), can influence user experience and shape perceptions of products. 
  2. Experience demos illustrating how these tangible design elements directly influence perceptions and emotions towards both products and brands.  
  3. Discover actionable strategies for harnessing the power of emotions into design narratives that speak to the heart.