Ranjeet Tayi

Director of User Experience Design, Informatica   Ranjeet Tayi, a seasoned design leader with over 18 years in UX and AI, spearheads data management cloud AI experience at Informatica. On a mission for good data & good design to drive business impact, he previously led design at SumTotal and PureIT Usability Research, co-founding MindVisions. Committed to design-led social impact, he actively serves on non-profit advisory boards, co-curates design conferences and innovation events. Recognized as an esteemed speaker, author, and design awards jury member, Ranjeet is an innovator with patents and an extraordinary ability recipient. He holds two master’s degrees in Philosophy in Mass Communication, Advertising, and a Design Management diploma from Park.   

Activities for Ranjeet

Speaker | Designing with AI Deep Dive | 2024

Designing AI Magic: Elevating User Experiences  

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the opportunity to craft exceptional user experiences is transformative for product creators. Join an engaging conference talk that immerses you in the enterprise AI user experiences, where GPT and CoPilot emerge as invaluable allies, and generative AI introduces an elevated dimension of AI-driven user interactions. Explore the pivotal role of AI and high data in cultivating user trust and delivering impactful experiences. 

In this talk, I will dive deep into the art of harnessing AI to design seamless and user-friendly experiences tailored to both technical and business users, including the intricate world of conversational design. How GPT and Language Models (LLMs) can be harnessed to create an extended user AI companion, enhancing their capabilities. Real-world examples and insightful design case studies will illuminate the towards crafting AI-driven experiences for enterprises. AI is not just a tool; it’s an indispensable creative designer seeking to elevate user interactions and empower users magically. The horizon of general promises to revolutionize UX design. 


Key Topics 

  • The Craft of User-Friendly AI Design 
  • Design for Data and Large Learning Models LLM’s. 
  • Maximizing the Potential of Conversational Interfaces & GPT 
  • Empowering Users with CoPilot 
  • The Profound Impact of AI on User Experiences 
  • Case Study Examples: AI in Practical Action 
  • Cultivating User Trust 
  • Unraveling the Wonders of Generative AI 
  • The future of AI and Opportunities for designers 


AI transcends being a mere tool; it becomes your creative companion in the design world. Discover can streamline your design process, amplify creativity, and captivate users. Join us for this enlightening where you will gain insights into the art of crafting extraordinary user experiences and harnessing AI in the digital interaction sphere. 


Key Takeaways 

  1. Understanding the Transformative Power of AI in Design: Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI, specifically GPT, CoPilot, and generative AI, can fundamentally transform the process of designing user experiences in the ever-evolving digital landscape. 
  2. Practical Insights into Crafting User-Friendly AI Experiences: The talk provides practical insights into the art of harnessing AI to design seamless and user-friendly experiences for both technical and business users. Real-world examples and case studies will illuminate the strategies and principles behind successful AI-driven designs. 
  3. Empowerment and Inspiration for Designers: Designers will leave the talk feeling empowered and inspired, viewing AI not merely as a tool but as a creative companion. The discussion aims to highlight how AI can streamline design processes, amplify creativity, and captivate users, offering a glimpse into the future of AI’s role in shaping user interactions.