Priyankaa Krishnan, IDSA

Instructional Designer, Meta Priyankaa Krishnan is a highly skilled and accomplished learning experience designer currently working at Meta. She is well-versed in design thinking, change management and AR/VR content design. Additionally, Priyankaa is pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Human-Computer Interaction from Iowa State University, and holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Industrial Design as well as a graduate certificate in Instructional Design. A passionate advocate for women in professional advancement, Priyankaa’s unique approach to problem-solving and creative mindset are reflected in her professional and personal endeavors, such as her founding of Cards for Women and Misfit Noodle.

Activities for Priyankaa

Conferences Committee | 2023, 2024
Co-Emcee | Women in Design Deep Dive | 2023
Women in Design Committee | 2023, 2024

Statement of Candidacy (2023-2024 term)

I am a young, international, brown woman from a developing country. Let’s admit it, it’s not easy!

I was born in India, brought up in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) and moved to the United States for my studies. I come from a conservative Indian society where becoming a designer means I don’t have a “real” career and, moreover, I was born to be a wife. I had to rebel against such narratives to join design school.

I got my undergraduate degree.
I got my graduate degree.
But I was still struggling to get a job, and a male professor told me, “Students from the Midwest don’t land big five jobs because their skill sets are nothing compared to West or East coast students.”
I wanted to prove him wrong and I bagged a big five position.

If I can, you can!

I work every day to erase the story others have written for me. I want to also help other women write their own story, irrespective of what society has decided for them.

What do I wish to accomplish being part of Women in Design Midwest? Connect people! In the process of connecting people, I want to…

For students:

  • Host portfolio and resume building sessions
  • Find mentors for each student
  • Help them find internships and jobs
  • Have them meet with different corporate design teams
  • Host social hours and inter-college events
  • Provide them a platform on IDSA to promote their work and to share their story

For professionals:

  • Host social hours and networking events
  • Provide them a platform on IDSA to promote their work and to share their story
  • Connect them with design students to inspire them
  • Find experienced designers to be mentors
  • Help them find jobs

…and more! That said, I cannot do this alone. Please share your ideas and requests; let’s change together.