Liz Sanders

MakeTools The Ohio State University Liz Sanders is a visionary in design research, having pioneered many of the methods being used today to drive and inspire design from a human-centered perspective. Liz has practiced co-designing across all the design disciplines. She is now in the process of bringing co-design practices to disciplines beyond design in order to address the challenges we face for the future. In practice, Liz leads MakeTools where she explores new spaces in the emerging design landscapes. She is also a faculty member in the Design Department at The Ohio State University. Liz has a Ph.D. in Experimental and Quantitative Psychology and a B.A. in both Psychology and Anthropology. She is co-author of the book Convivial Toolbox: Generative Research for the Front End of Design (BIS, 2012).

Activities for Liz

Speaker | Women in Design Deep Dive | 2020

From Designing to Co-designing to Collective Dreaming

Design has changed in radical ways over the past 30 years and the rate of change is now increasing. Many things are in flux, including how design takes place, when it takes place, what is designed, and who designs. I will look at the transitions in three slices of time: from designing as it was done in the 1980s, to co-designing as it is practiced today, and toward collective dreaming that we might see in the future. I will show many examples of co-designing from both industrial and academic projects and end with an introduction to collective dreaming as expressed through aspirations for the future.

Speaker | International Design Conference | 2015

The New Industrial Revolution

In design, making is as much an ethos as it is a necessity. As designer-makers in the 21st century, we generally believe that the things we make are part of ourselves—an extension of our identity that allows us not only to distinguish ourselves, but also to invite others into our creative community. As a result, the design industry is changing—from the mass production methods of the past to a new era led by a new generation intent on doing, co-making, adopting DIY approaches and creating new tools that serve new needs. How will the new industrial revolution transform our profession and influence our society?