Iren Liao

Design Strategist, PARK Iren has over 7 years in the design field with experience in product design leveraging human-centered design, design research, and design strategy. She supports many aspects of design research and planning with global leading clients in her role as consultant and at park. Iren holds a Bachelors in Industrial and Product Design from Taipei Technical University and a Masters in Design Management from SCAD.

Activities for Iren

Speaker | Design Research Deep Dive | 2023

Managing and Leading Design Research

Discover unmet needs that change your business perspective and development process.

Revealing unmet consumer needs has become more important than ever, and design research plays a critical role: either as managing or leading part of an existing market or consumer research team, external partners, or as an integral deliverable of the design organization.

Although delivery of design research is an expertise in itself, the actual management of it should not be neglected. Well managed and led design research ensures that the solutions delivered by the design function drive impactful results for your organization.

The audience will learn. . .

  1. How can you ensure that the outcome of the design research is integrated within your business context and design process?
  2. How do other world-leading organizations go about managing and leading design research?
  3. How could design research drive innovation for your organization?
  4. How could you set up and manage design research activities?