Gabriele Sorrento, IDSA

CEO, co-founder of Mindesk Gabriele is CEO, co-founder of Mindesk, and Director at Vection Technologies Ltd,  a 360° partner helping leading enterprises like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Zaha Hadid Architects boost their design cycle with real-time software. Gabriele fell in love with computational design at the age of 14. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Architectural Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan and studied entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University as a Fulbright fellow. Today Gabriele is part of AIASF Design Technology Commission and serves as Secretary at San Francisco Computational Design Institute. In 2014 he founded Mindesk, a scale-up backed by VC and corporate investors like HTC ViveX, acquired by Vection Technologies in early 2020.

Activities for Gabriele

Section Officer | 2021, 2022, 2023

Chair, Digital Enterprise Section

20/2X Recognition | 2021

Gabriele Sorrento, IDSA, is Director of Vection Technologies, a software company specialized in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and 3D Modeling, and Chair of IDSA’s Digital Enterprise Section. This Section aims to bring new information to industrial design professionals interested in the bleeding edge of digital design technologies and show how ID workflows and processes can be improved by incorporating emerging digital technologies. These include VR, AR, Additive Manufacturing, Real-Time Computing, and Artificial Intelligence, which have taken on an even more heightened importance during the rise of COVID-19.

“Witnessing the world coming together to face the pandemic taught me that modern society has a tremendous, intrinsic, transformative power,” Gabriele says, observing that being kept apart “pushed us to leverage technology to stay connected and inspired a coral effort in closing the technological gap, even for the older generations.” He believes this historic experience has taught us an important lesson: that product designers and tech innovators, never more than today, have the imperative duty to make technology more accessible and friendly to people, companies, institutions, and governments.

“The rise of metaverse, and the crypto economy inside it, seems inevitable,” he says. “While these tech revolutions offer new paths towards the digitalization of arts and manufacturing, more urgent questions related to transportation, food, and energetic sustainability remain to be properly addressed.” We hope Gabriele will continue leading the way in addressing these issues and giving our community the space to explore, discuss, share information, and co-create the solutions we need.

Speaker | Sustainability Deep Dive | 2020

Presentation: Towards a More Sustainable Design Cycle with Real-time Technologies 

The design process, from CAD earliest sketches down to sales and maintenance, raises multiple challenges when it comes to sustainability for both enterprises and the planet, especially in a lockdown scenario. Engineers need to collaborate in teams and sales representatives need to meet clients. Physical meetings not only have a direct impact on CO2 emissions, but are heavily limited amid health restrictions. Enterprises are moving towards more advanced ways to develop, market and support their products. Real-Time technologies like Virtual Reality and Unreal Engine are accelerating this transition, providing a simple yet affordable solution to keep operations active and in many cases even outperforming past workflows.