Craig Crossley

Market Segment Lead – Injection Molding, 3D Fortify Craig Crossley is the Market Segment Lead at Fortify working in the Injection mold tooling vertical. He graduated from UMass Lowell with a BSE in Plastics Engineering. He has over five years of various Plastics Engineering experience across tooling design, mold processing, recycling and extrusion.

Activities for Craig

Speaker | ID Technique Deep Dive | 2022

Can 3D Printed Mold Tools Solve Your Supply Chain Challenges?

Craig and Jason will discuss the age-old new product development conundrum – do you blow your entire product development budget on an injection mold tool before finalizing the design, or do you sacrifice material performance for a faster and more affordable option?

Why not have both? 3D printed mold tools allow new product developers to procure injection molded parts in a matter of days and at a fraction of the cost of traditional steel or aluminum tools. Materials ranging from commodity resins to high-performance resins can run on these tools for functional testing in end-use material.

Hear how contract manufacturer, Empire Group, is leveraging Fortify’s 3D printed injection mold tooling solution to solve this prototyping problem for their customers. This presentation will cover customer success stories that include specifics on how much time and money was saved for their customers.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to leverage 3D printed mold tools for functional prototyping
  • How to accelerate new product development cycles without blowing through the budget
  • How other companies have leveraged Fortify’s quick-turn molded parts to save time and money getting to market faster