Brian Roderman, FIDSA

In2 Innovation Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of In2 Innovation “As a kid, I adored LEGO bricks. I wouldn’t just build a carousel—I’d build the whole carnival. Not just a house, but an entire town.” Brian Roderman, Co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of In2 Innovation, is a natural-born designer with an inherent ability to combine artistic vision with complex engineering principles and strategic business goals. Overseeing the process and design strategies for the organization, along with the operations management for the Dallas office, Brian assures that the creative product of In2 Innovation is always on-target and on the leading edge of design, functionality, and desirability. Motivated by the passion to “create a product people can’t live without,” Brian has worked in the design consultancy business for over 20 years, and is frequently a featured speaker on design and innovation at events and symposiums worldwide. He is active with the Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA), having held the positions of Chapter Vice President, Southern District Vice President and Texas Chapter Chair and served on the IDSA National Board of Directors as the Chapter Vice President from 2009-2010. To learn more about Brian and his company click here. Brian Roderman may be reached at 214.240.2508 or at [email protected].

Activities for Brian

IDSA Award Winner | Fellow | 2011
Speaker | International Design Conference | 2017
Chapter Officer | Chair
Board of Directors | 2009, 2010