Past Chairs & Presidents Council

This council exists to advise the current Board of Directors on matters where past precedent, rationale and decisions provide important considerations for current issues.


As an organization rooted in tradition and legacy, it is important to leverage  the resources available to us (here, in the form of past leadership and governing expertise) when envisioning our future. It is vital that we understand our past decisions, challenges, and successes in order to create the environment for continued health and longevity. 


The Council will primarily provide guidance where intent of previous actions and lessons learned from past events are important considerations in the decision making process for current issues. 

Key Tasks

The Council will convene at least once a year, or at the request of the current Board of Directors. The most recent Chair Emeritus will serve as Chair of the Council. 

Council Composition

The committee consists of past Board of Directors Chairs / Presidents. At the conclusion of a Board Chair’s term, and on assuming the role of Chair Emeritus he/she shall chair the Council for a 2 year term or until such time as the subsequent Board Chair assumes the role of Chair Emeritus. Council members, having been a former President/Chair of the Society, are eligible to participate on the Council for as long as they hold membership status within the Society.