
Olga Stella Featured on Detroit Radio

2016 Keynote Speaker on the Airwaves


The executive director of the Detroit Creative Corridor Center is a keynote speaker at IDSA’s International Conference in Detroit—the first US city named a UNESCO City of Design. Now, Olga Stella is being featured in the latest edition of a WDET Radio podcast known as Detroit Today.

Stella tells podcast host Stephen Henderson the designation is a recognition of the city’s assets, and its commitment to use them to drive the future. She says Detroit has deep roots in design—with a concentration of designers and engineers that rivals other parts of the country. “Design is more than just places and process,” says Stella, “It’s also about people.”

The unique aspect for Detroit is the opportunity for community-based design, says Stella, which she hopes is used to promote neighborhood development. “This is not a place where we can do small things. Detroit is a place where we have to do big things,” says Stella. “Detroit is going to capture the imagination of the world.”

Listen to the podcast. And meet Stella at the International Conference, where she will discuss Detroit City of Design: The Role of Design in Building Detroit’s Future, addressing the impact that design can have in growing jobs, improving places and adding to cultural vitality—and the possibilities for how design can build a better Detroit in the next 10 years. Register now.