
Lou Lenzi, FIDSA writes monthly column for Appliance Design magazine


Former IDSA International Design Excellence Award Design of the Decade winner Lou Lenzi, FIDSA, has taken the helm of the monthly “Association Report: IDSA” for Appliance Design magazine—kicking off his column with “Innovating the Process of Innovation.”

In the on-demand era of Airbnb, Uber and Amazon Go Store, Lenzi finds “these innovative business models have flowered in a hot-house climate that has re-energized innovation itself.”

“It may be too early to pick clear winners in new innovation methodologies, but smart firms will supplement their existing processes with new approaches to ensure long-term growth, new revenue streams and the agility to out-innovate competitors,” writes Lenzi.

Lenzi retired in July 2016 from a 36–year career in industrial design. As design director at GE Appliances—he led a team that was responsible for all industrial design, user interface design and user experience design activities for GE and GE Monogram-branded major appliance products.

Now in Indianapolis, Lenzi is serving as Professor of Practice at Indiana University‘s School of Informatics and Computing (SoIC). Lenzi is on the faculty of the Department of Human-Centered Computing, aiming to redesign and relaunch the Media Arts & Sciences master’s program by fall 2018.