IDSA Fellow and frog NY Founder Takes Center Stage

Design legend & founder of frog’s New York studio.Tucker Viemeister is a design legend. In 1997 he founded the New York studio of Hartmut Esslinger’s frogdesign – a moment described by Businessweek as “two of the most famous and mercurial figures in the product-design world linking up,” – having previously co-founded Smart Design. He has since worked at Razorfish, been lab chief at Rockwell Group, opened Springtime USA, and now heads Viemeister Industries. He is a Pratt alum, a holder of 32 patents, and co-author of “Elements of Design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the Structure of Visual Relationships.” He will fire up his old computer and get the frog-engine working to show some vintage frog presentations – and talk about the past, present, and
possible future of design. 

International Conference on Advanced Sensing Design and Technology on Dec. 13th Japan Society, 333 East 47th Street, New York, NY
7:40-9:00 pm
2:30-3:50 pm
A student team from the University of Tokyo
“Bio-Sensing: Sensing the cavitation of plants”
Student Projects
Corporate Projects
“Regenerative Sensing Kit: Boosting voltage of the
activities of bacteria”
“Smart Sensing Chair”
Session 1
Reception 4:30-5:30 pm
Session 2 5:10-6:30 pm Session 4
Open 2:00 pm Session 3 6:40-7:30 pm
“Sensing system design and evaluation
towards supersensing”
Shinichi Warisawa
Tucker Viemeister an industrial designer, most famous
for first “universal design” : OXO Good Grips designed
at Smart Design. He founded the Lab at Rockwell Group.
Teaches at Parsons, work is in MoMA, holds
32 US utility patents and named after a car.
Tucker Viemeister
“Making Sense”
Tucker Viemeister
“Hacking the RF Phy: Wireless power transfer,
RF sensing, battery-free communication and beyond”
Alanson Sample
Skylar Tibbits
Founding Principal of The Living
Assistant Professor at Columbia GSAPP
David Benjamin
Title of the lecture: TBD
“Self-Assembly & Programmable Materials”
Founder + CEO of SUPA,
serial entrepreneur, professor, author of three books on
the topic of fashion + technology
Sabine Seymour
CEO of Wearable Media Studio, a New York-based
fashion technology design service provider.
Yuchen Zhang
Strategic problem solver who addresses the big picture
through product and service design.
Evan Huggins
Industrial designer and biologist. As co-founder of AlgiKnit,
he is working to develop sustainable biomaterials for
use in wearable technology, fashion, and footwear.
Aaron Nesser
Panel Discussion
“Fashionable Sensing Technology”
Organizer Satoshi Nakagawa
Adovocate of Super Sensing
Project Professor, Design Innovation Lab.,
Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Univ. of Tokyo
The Principle of Super Sensing Forum
CTO at sensingnet Inc. (US)
Professor of Department of Human and
Engineered Environmental Studies,
The University of Tokyo
Founder and co-director and of the
Self-Assembly Lab housed at MIT’ s
International Design Center
Associate Lab Director and Principle
Research Scientist at Disney Research
produced by
sensingnet Inc.
supported by
super sensing forum
special support by
Japan Airlines
“Making Sense”
Doris Kim Sung
Educated at Princeton and Columbia, Doris Sung
incorporates smart materials to make responsive
facades, structures and robotics. She teaches at
USC and practices in Los Angeles at her research
firm, DOSU Studio Architecture.
Ryohei Kanzaki
“Super-Sensing Learned from Insect Sciences”
Professor/Director of Research Center
for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo