IDSA BOS Event Recap: The Road to Crowdfunding – the PAKT One Story

IDSA Boston hosted Jordan Nollman of Sprout Studios on June 14, 2019 who shared his journey developing the PAKT One travel bag and it’s viral Indigogo campaign. Jordan and his team partnered with the The Minimalists and Malcolm Fontier to bring the cult favorite travel bag back on the market. He described the trials and accomplishments of design, product development, branding, advertising, and all of the hard work that goes behind a successful crowdfunding project. The event took place at Artisan’s Asylum, an expansive, creative maker space located in Somerville, MA. Thank you to all who helped organize the event and everyone who came to learn about the PAKT One journey! 

Artisan’s Asylum is a non-profit community workshop in Somerville, Massachusetts. Their mission is to support and promote the teaching, learning and practice of fabrication. Visit Artisan’s Asylum at If you’re interested in learning more or joining Artisan’s Asylum, reach out to Tam Black at [email protected]