Education Symposium

Education Symposium

An annual exploration into the state of design education, now and into the future.

Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness presents at the 2022 IDSA Education Symposium

Education, a foundation of our Society

The Industrial Designers Society of America has a long tradition and commitment to education and the academic community. In fact, education is one of the four pillars of IDSA’s mission and a key component of our Future Vision moving into the next 50 years of success. We are in the practice of educating people about design and creating environments for designers to thrive. Design education is where creativity and knowledge are forged to envision new ideas and create solutions designed to help people live better lives. Design schools, educators, and students are central to this endeavor.

Today, there are around 20 million college students in the United States. Of that, only a small fraction is studying industrial design. As of this writing, IDSA’s current (admittedly unscientific) estimate has that number to be anywhere between 10,000 and 15,000 (based on anecdotal sources and extrapolations of existing student membership data). Regardless of size, it is this small group of creative and increasingly diverse minds who will eventually become professional designers and will be responsible for creating some of the great innovations of our future.

What is being taught?

How is it being taught?

Who is teaching it?

The answer to those questions might be as varied and nuanced as the interpretations and debate about design thinking. Yet, as it relates to the teaching of industrial design, one of IDSA’s central purposes is to help facilitate the conversation around those questions and thusly understand the answers. Our articles of incorporation, established at the time of our founding in 1965, state that, among other pursuits, IDSA is to: 

“cooperate with educational institutions where the principles of industrial design are taught with the aim of improving the methods of instruction of their application to the practical work of the practitioner of industrial design.”

For over 20 years, the IDSA Education Symposium has been a platform for celebrating the very best in design academia. It draws design educators, practitioners, and students from all over the world and helps connect our vast community through knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.

Access to educational opportunity can have a profound impact on one’s ability to succeed in life. The reality is, however, that access is not universal and a myriad of factors such as social class, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, funding and infrastructure can impact access to educational resources and deeply complicate the path toward achieving positive outcomes. Within our domain and with education as one of IDSA’s core functional pillars, it is vital that we work to provide equal access to learning opportunities to both our membership and our community at large. The annual Education Symposium is one way we can make progress towards this goal.

Education Symposium 2008, Pheonix AZ

Gaylon White, H/IDSA presents to an audience at the 2008 Education Symposium in Pheonix, AZ.

Eric Anderson, FIDSA and Kevin Shinn, FIDSA at the 2012 Education Sympoisum

Eric Anderson, FIDSA and Kevin Shinn, FIDSA at the 2012 Education Symposium in Boston, MA.

Scott Shim, IDSA, Ann-Marie Conrado, IDSA, Warren Ginn, FIDSA, and Carolina Gill (left to right) in a design educator panel discussion at the 2016 Education Symposium in Detroit, MI.

Past events (partial list)


September 13-14, 2022
Seattle, WA
Education Chair – Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness, IDSA


Breaking Down Barriers
September 22, 2021
Virtual Event
Education Chair – Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness, IDSA


Design Exchange: Spanning the academic-practice divide
September 17, 2020
Virtual Event
Education Chair – Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness, IDSA


Looking Ahead: The Future of Design Education
August 21, 2019
Chicago, IL
Education Chair – Raja Schaar, IDSA


Design For ___
September 22, 2018
New Orleans, LA
Education Chair – Raja Schaar, IDSA


Emergent Pedagogy in Design
August 16, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Education Chair – Scott Shim, IDSA


Making Things Happen
August 17, 2016
Detroit, MI
Education Chair – Scott Shim, IDSA


Designing the Future of Education
August 19, 2015
Seattle, WA
Education Chair – Ayse Birsel, IDSA


The Exchange
August 13, 2014
Austin, TX
Education Chair – Ayse Birsel, IDSA


Breaking the Rules
August 21, 2013
Chicago, IL
Education Chair – Shooshin Choi, IDSA


IDSA K-12 Design Education Symposium
November 10, 2012
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, MI
Doris Wells-Papanek, MEd, IDSA


The Future Is…
August 15, 2012
Boston, MA
Education Chair – Shooshin Choi, IDSA

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