Sheng-Hung Lee, IDSA will present his research into the creation of the Circular Makerspace Evaluation Toolkit currently in development at MIT.
The practices of making and learning by doing remain a cornerstone of education today. In the context of carbon neutrality, we extend a typical “making” stage into “sustainable making” and “meaningful making” on colleges campuses for the procurement process, material selection, students’ awareness, pedagogical design, and makerspace system. The goal of the study is to offer a shared sustainable vision with short-term solutions and long-term goals by applying circular design methodology and human-centered design to reduce the carbon footprint of makerspaces. We use MIT as a testbed to prototype carbon-neutrality-related experiments to evaluate concepts and validate ideas.
The Circular Makerspace Evaluation Toolkit (CMET) created in this paper will not only empower future generations of teachers, professionals, policymakers and community leaders, but scale to industry and society. CMET breaks down the evaluation process into five stages and ten environmentally responsible elements to quantify, measure, and celebrate the value of circular makerspaces to users/makers, and inspire them and other makerspaces around the globe to view “circular” as a new creative currency of carbon neutrality, thus motivating users/makers to create feasible plans, change their behaviors, cultivate sustainable maker culture and, through their makerspaces, make an invaluable contribution to the Circular Economy.
Recorded February 8, 2022