Please join us for a lunchtime chat on August 12th (12pm-1pm PST). Linsey Nancarrow of Indigo Slate will examine the problems with today’s approach to sustainability (focusing on individual actions that demand extra time, effort, and money) and make the case for systemic change through well designed sustainable experiences.
When we look at sustainability from an experience perspective, we can uncover huge opportunities to innovate that drive toward a cleaner, healthier future.
About Climate Designers:
A community of designers and creative professionals from all industries, committed to using their creative skills for climate action.
About Linsey:
Linsey Nancarrow has been helping businesses figure out their next big innovations since 2002. For over 15 years, she has led innovation programs for fortune 500 companies, including Boeing, Intel, Starbucks, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Hyundai, and Bombardier. As part of Indigo Slate’s Human Experience Innovation team, Linsey leverages her background in industrial design and design strategy to help clients envision and create transformative new experiences, with a focus on accelerating sustainability and climate justice. Linsey is also the creator and founder of Eco Your Org, a website dedicated to helping professionals drive sustainability in their workplace, and a leader of Climate Designers, a global community of creative professionals taking climate action.