Is effective design always “good design”? As self-appointed arbiters of good taste and user-centric rigor, are we ever personally satisfied with the solution that is the most popular? In your professional life, do you play the role of the soulless mercenary or the committed zealot?
Join us on Wednesday, October 25th to participate in an open discussion about fulfilling your design destiny. Something drew you to this career, and you’ve put a lot of effort toward developing your sensitivities and awareness of what makes a design “awesome” (technical term). Do you employ these powers to elevate the market, or to anticipate what the majority wants?
Or do you simply ask yourself “what would Dieter do?
Either way, share some drinks and appetizers with us as we ponder this issue and others. As always, DISCUSSIONmeetup is free for IDSA professional members and those interested in finding out a bit about our chapter while networking with peers. Please RSVP to this invitation to help us with a headcount – see you there!
IDSA-WI/MN DISCUSSIONmeetup: Serving The Purpose
5:30pm @ Café Hollander – Brookfield
20150 Union Street
(262) 785-4490