My deadline had come… and was just rolling past me, taillights still in view. The latest issue of INNOVATION was sitting beside me, tackling the theme “The Story Behind The Design” – a compelling topic for sure. I certainly heard a lot of my colleagues make references to how important storytelling was, but examples of how they did it and to what effect were few and far between. I needed to find a way to get local designers engaged in a meaningful discussion, and this seemed like as good an opportunity as any.
In my own experience, achieving a smart balance was always the challenge. How to build up the story to draw stakeholders in, while stopping short of creating “fluff” they would write off as a waste of time or budget. Simple, flexible tools got used over again, while elegant excursions that required significant investment were “learning experiences”. Image collages, word clusters, video… all arrows in the quiver, utilized when most effective.
So I decided the topic would be to discuss and share effective and efficient storytelling methods and tools we had experimented with. For a venue, I selected Red Dot Tosa (in Wauwatosa, apparently). For a date, I zeroed in on Thursday, February 23rd at 6pm. Done deal – send it out via Facebook and wait to see what brave souls venture out to share their tale. Whew.
Red Dot Tosa
6715 W. North Ave,
Wauwatosa 53213
As always, DISCUSSION meetup is free for IDSA professional members and those interested in finding out a bit about our chapter while networking with peers. Have an idea for our next topic? Contact mailto:idsawichair@gmail