In the United States, design patents have become considerably stronger since the 2008 Supreme Court decision Egyptian Goddess. Yet many clients and ID professionals aren’t aware of what changed in that decision, and how it affects the protection your clients can obtain with design patents. Join Patent Agent Kevin Prince, who has obtained over 2,500 design patents for his clients, on this informative deep dive into design patents, what they can now protect, and how they can help your ID business and those of your clients.
About the Presenter
Kevin Prince, A/IDSA is a Registered US Patent Agent, a UC Berkeley engineer, author of The Art of the Patent (a coffee table art book featuring patent drawings), inventor, and co-founder of Inventor’s Forum in 1990, a non-profit inventors assistance group in Orange County, CA. He specializes in design patents, having obtained over 2,400 design patents for his clients around the world. An inventor on five patents himself, Kevin has had multiple successes in business, most notably selling his portable computer accessories business to a public company in 2000. He is also the past president of Grid Art, which manufactured a unique line of art supplies that can “turn anyone into an artist.” GridArt products have been featured on QVC, and have been sold in at Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, and various catalogs.