Community-Centered Participatory Research in Healthcare Design Education

Elham Morshedzadeh-02_POST_0
Elham Morshedzadeh, Ph.D.
University of Houston

Community-Centered Participatory Research in Healthcare Design Education

Elham Morshedzadeh-02_POST_0

Traditional design processes focus on humans/users and their needs which are rooted in their experiences. However, there is an increasing amount of emphasis being placed on communityrelated experiences and their impacts on human-product interactions (digital, physical, service, etc.). As such, the discovery process can benefit greatly from collaborative, participatory research and evidencebased design, which have become popular methods in the design and decision-making process. In the field of healthcare design, these approaches are especially important. Designing a classroom experience that involves multiple faculty and industry professionals, while simulating real-world, community-focused scenarios, can be crucial to developing the skills young designers need to succeed in this field after graduation. In this paper, we took a look at the processes, successes, and lessons learned over several semesters from a collaborative, healthcare design course involving industrial design and biomedical engineering students at Virginia Tech.