A Successful Immersive Educational Model

Innovating design through collaboration between Industrial Design & Occupational Therapy
Innovating design through collaboration between Industrial Design & Occupational Therapy
Sarah McNabb, Michael Patrick Barrett, Eric Schneider, Tod Corlett & Kimberly Mollo
Thomas Jefferson University

A Successful Immersive Educational Model

Innovating design through collaboration between Industrial Design & Occupational Therapy

Combining industrial design and occupational therapy graduate students together to create adaptive products for individuals living with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) offers a unique opportunity to facilitate an interdisciplinary approach that better meets the needs of end-users and reinforces development of complementary discipline-specific skills. Four, firstyear master of industrial design (ID) students worked directly with a pair of third-year occupational therapy doctoral (OT) students to research, design, and prototype adaptive equipment for individuals with FOP. Throughout the process, ID students interacted with endusers for research and feedback and received input at their final presentation from multiple end users and physicians specializing in the care of FOP patients. Industrial design and occupational therapy students benefited from a collaborative learning model by drawing on each other’s core discipline-specific strengths, as evidenced by improved communication skills and increased understanding of end-user perspectives during each phase of the design process. This paper highlights the key components of this project and aims to offer insight into facilitating more collaborative educational experiences for design and occupational therapy students.


Year: 2020