Donald Burlock

Creative Director and Founder, Kingsmen Golf; Author, Superhuman by Design Donald Burlock is the author of Superhuman by Design, which in its release month hit the Amazon Top 100 for Hot New Releases in the Creativity category. An award-winning designer, Donald has worked with the likes of Amazon, Capital One, IDEO, and Coca-Cola. His work at Dolby Labs on a tech-inspired cinema of the future garnered a Red Dot Design Award. Through his publishing house, Gold Coast Press, he empowers and highlights the underrepresented voices of BIPOC designers. Presently acting as a founder of a performance apparel company, Donald enjoys the pursuit of golf, traveling, and geeking out over Marvel and DC movies.

Activities for Donald

IDEA Jury Chair | 2024
IDEA Juror | 2020, 2021