Call for Interest | 2019–2020 IDSA Leadership Positions

The IDSA Nominations Committee invites all members in good standing to submit their name or recommend a colleague who is interested in pursuing an elevated leadership role within the Society. Several positions are opening on the Board of Directors and District level for a two (2) year term beginning in 2019 and ending in 2020. Ideal candidates are individuals who excel at creative problem solving within tight constraints, who are trusted and proactive participants within their own communities and who have a proven track record of leadership, dedication and commitment.

Our Society is a diverse community of individuals who support each other through volunteer efforts that underpin and strengthen the design community as a whole. By endorsing yourself or a colleague, you are contributing to IDSA’s long-term success and improved membership experience.


  • August 2018 – All submissions are compiled for review by the IDSA Nominations Committee. Each submission is evaluated on the basis of the candidate’s fit compared to criteria outlined in the position descriptions and their qualifications to successfully execute the role. Note: The IDSA Nominations Committee maintains the discretion to select or deny an individual from moving past the “Call for Interest” stage.
  • September 2018 – A proposed slate of candidates is presented to the IDSA Board of Directors for approval/endorsement.
  • October 2018 – The final slate of candidates will be posted online.
  • November 2018 – Society-wide online voting.
  • December 2018 – All candidates will be notified of the voting results (verified by an independent third-party auditing firm). IDSA membership will be made aware of the results shortly thereafter.
  • January 2019 – New terms will begin.


  • Rebecca Alvord, IDSA Nominations Committee Chair
  • Ed Dorsa, L/IDSA Member At-Large
  • Henry Hiltner, IDSA West District Representative
  • John McCabe, IDSA South District Representative
  • Shawn Egan, IDSA Midwest District Representative
  • Vijay Chakravarthy, IDSA Northeast District Representative


Available Board of Directors Positions


Secretary / Treasurer

At-Large Director – Awards

Chapter Director

Serving as an officer of the Society and a member of the Board of Director’s Executive Committee, the Secretary/Treasurer helps oversee the Society’s funds and financial records while ensuring that proper accounting procedures are followed. They work closely with IDSA’s Finance and Accounting department to develop annual reports that provide the Board of Directors a clear view of the Society’s long-term fiscal health.

The ideal candidate has a design background yet has proven experience working on the business side of the operation. The Secretary/Treasurer is a ‘number cruncher,’ versed in financial analysis and modeling who blends these skills with a designer’s thinking.


The At-Large Director – Awards is responsible for overseeing IDSA’s internal and external awards programs. They serve as Chair of the Awards Committee which develops strategic recommendations for these programs.

A focus for the 2019-2020 term will be on IDSA’s internal awards programs: IDSA Awards (Fellowship, Educator of the Year, etc), SMAs and GSMAs. The At Large Director – Awards will make recommendations on processes, criteria, relevancy and transparency of current awards issued, all while ensuring that nominees and recipients meet the highest standards of excellence.

The ideal candidate has been a juror for an awards program before or has perhaps won a few design awards themselves.

The Chapter Director promotes, monitors and nurtures chapters leadership teams and represents chapters interests on the Board of Directors. This role is responsible for cultivating opportunities for relationships among chapters, sections and education representatives at universities across the country.

The Chapter Director serves as Chair of the Districts Committee, which is made up of the District Chapter Representatives (DCR). Together, they focus on communication, education and training to grow and evolve the chapter program at the grassroots level.

The ideal candidate has served as a District Chapter Representative (formerly District Vice President) and/or has been active in their local professional chapter. They are a proactive leader and thrive in situations where they can mentor a team to perform at a high level.


Available Committee, Appointed & District Positions


Design Foundation President

Fundraising Advisor

District Chapter
Representative (DCR)

The Design Foundation President is the highest volunteer position on the Design Foundation’s (501(c)3 charitable organization) Board of Trustees. The President serves as an officer of the Foundation and as an ex-officio, non-voting member of IDSA’s Board of Directors. Duties of the DF President include: develop and implement strategic and tactical plans (in conjunction with IDSA’s Executive Director), presiding over all Board of Trustee meetings, helping fundraise and elevate the Foundation’s profile within the design community.

The ideal candidate is familiar with foundations with an educational mission, has been successful at fundraising through donations or grants and maintains a strong network with the design, arts or creative communities.

Responsible for sharing expertise and supporting the organization’s fundraising and sales efforts, the Fundraising Advisor will use their skills and professional network to either solicit funds directly or connect groups to IDSA. They may be asked to evaluate current organizational practices and formulate recommendations for improvement or provide general advice.

The ideal candidate is someone with a strong network spanning the design and philanthropic communities who has proven experience in connecting donors with organizations ready to put donations to good use.

West, Midwest and South District positions are open for election. District Chapter Representatives are responsible for working directly with the professional chapters and design communities within their district. Each will focus on fostering the growth of chapters in their region, mentoring chapter officers, creating connections among chapters and engaging members who live “in between” chapters.

DCRs accomplish this by assisting with the SCARF process, holding regular touch-base calls, attending events in their district and supporting District Conference planning efforts. DCRs make up the Districts Committee, chaired by the Chapter Director on IDSA’s Board of Directors. DCRs also serve on the Nominations Committee, helping to formalize the slate of candidates during elections cycles.

The ideal candidate has been a rockstar chapter officer and has made a name for themselves in their local design community? They should have basic knowledge of how local design events are run and enjoy passing on their knowledge to others.