Past Student Merit Awards Finalists

These students were selected as the top representative from their school in the year indicated.
Graduate SMA Finalists
Rhode Island School of Design (Northeast)
San Francisco State University (West)
University of Houston (South)
NC State University (South)
Rochester Institute of Technology (Northeast)
Arizona State University (West)
Georgia Tech (South)
Pratt Institute (Northeast)
Parsons (The New School) (Northeast)
University of Oregon (West)
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Midwest)
Graduate SMA Finalists
Rhode Island School of Design (Northeast)
San Francisco State University (West)
University of Houston (South)
NC State University (South)
Rochester Institute of Technology (Northeast)
Arizona State University (West)
Georgia Tech (South)
Pratt Institute (Northeast)
Parsons (The New School) (Northeast)
University of Oregon (West)
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Midwest)
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Central District
Richmond Institute of Design & Innovation (Western Michigan University)
The Ohio State University
Columbus College of Art & Design
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cederville/ International Center for Creativity
College for Creative Studies
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Cincinnati
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Midwest District
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Wisconsin-Stout
The University of Kansas
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Purdue University
University of Illinois at Chicago
Kansas State University
University of Notre Dame
University of Minnesota
Iowa State University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Northeast District
Drexel University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Thomas Jefferson University
Kean University
Pratt Institute
Parsons (The New School)
Rochester Institute of Technology
University of Bridgeport
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Syracuse University
Rhode Island School of Design
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – South District
Savannah College of Art & Design
University of Houston
Virginia Tech
NC State University
Georgia Tech
James Madison University
Appalachian State University
Auburn University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – West District
San Jose State University
Arizona State University
Otis College of Art and Design
Art Center College of Design
Western Washington University
University of Oregon
University of Washington
Brigham Young University
San Francisco State University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Central District
Cedarville University / International Center for Creativity
Cleveland Institute of Art
The Ohio State University
University of Cincinnati
Richmond Institute of Design & Innovation (Western Michigan University)
Columbus College of Art & Design
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Midwest District
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Purdue University
Kansas State University
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
University of Minnesota
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Notre Dame
Iowa State University
The University of Kansas
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
University of Illinois at Chicago
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Northeast District
Drexel University
Syracuse University
Pratt Institute
Thomas Jefferson University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Maryland Institute College of Art
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Parsons (The New School)
University of Bridgeport
Rochester Institute of Technology
Kean University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – South District
Georgia Tech
NC State University
University of Houston
James Madison University
Appalachian State
Savannah College of Art & Design
Virginia Tech
Auburn University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – West District
San Jose State University
Arizona State University
University of Washington
Western Washington University
Brigham Young University
San Francisco State University
University of Oregon
Art Center College of Design
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Central District
Cleveland Institute of Art
Columbus College of Art & Design
College for Creative Studies
Ceaderville University
The Ohio State University
University of Cincinnati
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Midwest District
The University of Kansas
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Iowa State University
University of Notre Dame
University of Illinois at Chicago
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Purdue University
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Minnesota
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Northeast District
Kean University
Syracuse University
University of Bridgeport
Thomas Jefferson University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Pratt Institute
Massachusetts College of Art & Design
Drexel University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – South District
Georgia Tech
Appalachian State
Auburn University
James Madison University
University of Houston
Savannah College of Art & Design
North Carolina State University
Virginia Tech
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – West District
University of Oregon
Brigham Young University
University of Washington
Art Center College of Design
Western Washington University
Arizona State University
San Francisco State University
California College of the Arts
California State University - Long Beach
San Jose State University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Central District
Cleveland Institute of Art
The Ohio State University
Carnegie Mellon University
International Center for Creativity – Cedarville University
College for Creative Studies
Kendall College of Art & Design
University of Cincinnati
Columbus College of Art & Design
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Midwest District
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
University of Minnesota
University of Illinois at Chicago
Purdue University
University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign
Iowa State University
University of Notre Dame
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Kansas
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – Northeast District
Pratt Institute
Drexel University
University of the Arts
University of Bridgeport
Kean University
Jefferson University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Parsons School of Design - The New School
Rochester Institute of Technology
Mass Art
Syracuse University
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – South District
Georgia Tech
Virginia Tech
Auburn University
James Madison University
Appalachian State
University of Houston
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
North Carolina State University
Savannah College of Art & Design
Undergraduate SMA Finalists – West District
University of Washington
University of Oregon
Art Center College of Design
San Jose State University
Western Washington University
Arizona State University