IDSA Awards

IDSA Awards

IDSA Awards is a collection of awards presented in recognition of significant contribution to the Society or the industrial design profession, excellence in academic advancement, or personal achievement. This tradition and long standing practice is one that dates back to the earliest days of our organization. Past recipients of these distinguished recognitions are some of the most celebrated industrial designers of all time and have made an indelible mark through their personal and professional successes. 

Deserving candidates are nominated by their peers through an open submission period each year. In this way, our community members help identify those who have, or currently are, creating a positive impact in the field of industrial design. IDSA’s Awards Committee, made up of IDSA members and chaired by IDSA’s At-large Director (Awards), maintains annual oversight of this portfolio and evaluates candidates to select deserving recipients.

Award categories

Recognizes IDSA members who have earned the respect and affection of our community through distinguished service to the society and to the profession as a whole.

Recognizes IDSA members or non-members whose sustained individual achievement has made a valued contribution to the profession of industrial design.

Recognizes individuals, organizations, or special projects for their creativity, innovation, passion, advocacy or achievement in the field of industrial design.

Recognizes significant, distinguished, and long-term contributions of career or tenured faculty IDSA members to the field of industrial design academia.

Recognizes junior faculty, non-tenured, or tenure-track IDSA member educators who have made a noteworthy impact on industrial design education within the early years of their academic career.

IDSA’s Board Chair may provide special acknowledgement to individuals whose work in service of the Society is deserving of a spotlight. (Active: 2012-2015)

2024 Jury Chair

2023 Ceremony

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