IDEA Jury 2024

IDEA 2024 entry is closed

Members of the IDEA jury raise their hands to vote on a design

Each year, the collection of designers, thought-leaders and visionaries who compose our IDEA Jury epitomize the very best of the industrial design community. Representing industry, consultancy, academia and private practice, they are experts within their field. Many of them are past IDEA award winners who deeply understand the significance of the position. The IDEA jury is charged with the tremendous task of carefully reviewing nearly 2,000 entries across 20 categories. Additionally, they are responsible for maintaining the high level of quality and rigor that has become a hallmark of the IDEA program. Our unique jurying process maintains anonymity for all entries to ensure all decisions are solely based upon excellence of design innovation, user experience, benefit to the client, benefit to society and appropriate aesthetics. Note: The opinions of the IDEA jury members may not reflect the views of their employers, IDSA, or IDEA.

Phnam Bagley


Rhys Bonahoom

Industrial Designer

Derek Chen

Council Inc.

Sandie Cheng

HP Inc.

Lew Epstein


Andrew Evans

The Magic Patio

Shannon Fong


Gregory Germe


Vivian Gomes


Tiffany Gomez

Gomez Design Studio, LLC.

Marc Greuther

The Henry Ford

Treasure Hinds, IDSA

Anvil Studios

Quan Jasinski


Agota Jonas

Academy of Art University

Jing Ju

JUJU Studio

Angie Kim


Jonathan Kim

o-ii studio

Jason Mayden


Lauryn Menard

PROWL Studio

Kieran Moriarty

Enlisted Design

Kiersten Muenchinger, IDSA

University of Oregon

John Muhlenkamp IV

GoPro, Inc

Rongyu Na


Anh Nguyen


Ximena Rozo

Ximena Rozo Design LLC

David Webster

Google Labs

Andre Yousefi

PA Consulting

Joey Zeledón, IDSA

Joey Zeledón Studio

IDEA jury members review entries

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