XE92P Integrated Sink Dishwasher

XE92P Integrated Sink Dishwasher

XE92P Integrated Sink Dishwasher

The XE92P integrates a sink, an ultrasonic sink, and a dishwasher into a single unit. The design breaks from the traditional kitchen sink in which the undercabinet is used for storage and is blocked by pipes. It was designed to be a seamless extension of the countertop with a stainless finish that conveys cleanliness and modern aesthetics. The dishwasher provides all the features of a modern dishwasher with different compartments for detergent and a water-softening agent, a three-layer filtration system, circulating hot air to dry dishes and prevent bacteria growth, and seven washing modes.

Designed By

Weibo Xiang and Bang Xu of Zhejiang Entive Smart Kitchen Appliance Co., Ltd.
