Wilson nCode with new Triad technology tennis rackets

Wilson nCode with new Triad technology tennis rackets

Wilson nCode with new Triad technology tennis rackets

Wilson had previously developed the innovative Triad tennis racket line, which delivers power, control and comfort without compromise. The challenge that Wilson recognized was their superior technology lacked visual appeal at the point-of-purchase. The objective was to create a revolutionary racket aesthetic that was true to very demanding performance and manufacturing requirements. The new designs deliver more power, a more active string bed and a larger sweet spot. These innovations directly enhance the user experience. In January 2005, Serena Williams won the Australian Open playing with the n3 and the n5 earned “Editor’s Choice” status from Tennis Magazine.

Contact: Mark Hunter,
Design Concepts, Inc., USA,
[email protected]

Credit: Design Concepts, Inc; Wilson Sporting Goods Co.