Wharton Lectern

Wharton Lectern

Wharton Lectern

Client: KI

The Wharton Lectern solves many problems with one clean design. It allows the lecturer to control both the presentation material and the environment within the room from one centralized point. The unit supports a variety of media and display methods along with providing a prominent location for a touch screen panel. Other accessories include a microphone, reading light, keyboard support and a cup holder. The combination of elements from the clean surface to design shows good research thought.

“An excellent example of what good design can bring to an overlooked product category. The Lectern not only makes a simple and elegant design statement to the audience, it provides a wealth of options to the user, easily accommodating any individual presenter’s personal presentation technique.” -Michael Laude, IDSA, Design Director, Bose Corp.

Contact: KI Product Design & Development, KI,
[email protected]

Credit: Aaron DeJule and KI