Virgin Atlantic Upper Class Interior and Seat

Virgin Atlantic Upper Class Interior and Seat

Virgin Atlantic Upper Class Interior and Seat

Virgin Atlantic creates the “modern romance of flight” by redesigning every aspect of the aircraft cabin interior. Out goes the barcalounger standard and in comes a seat which can be used for working, eating, relaxing and sleeping. It reclines forward, increasing rather than decreasing the space for the passenger behind. There is a seven-seater bar and a beauty therapy area complete with an onboard therapist. A combination of blue and white fluorescent lighting creates 16 different moods.

“A feeling of lightness and hyper-quality sets this interior design apart from the mainstream. A unique, stylish upgrade solves a number of objective problems and reintroduces the romance of flying to their Business Class. Innovative lighting and materials, as well as unique product offerings (a bar and massage area), combine to promote travel as an experience of desire as opposed to a feat of endurance.” -Chris Bangle, IDSA

Contact: Joe Ferry,
Virgin Atlantic Airways,
[email protected]

Designers: Virgin Atlantic Airways, United Kingdom, Priestman Goode, United Kingdom, Pentagram Design, United Kingdom, Equation Lighting Design & Productions, United Kingdom, and Weave Plan, United Kingdom