Vestaboard White

Vestaboard White

Vestaboard White

Vestaboard White is a digitally controlled mechanical split-flap display designed to connect and inspire people. The display consists of 132 “bits.” Each bit has 66 flaps encompassing the letters of the alphabet, numbers, a spectrum of colors, and common punctuation marks. Messages are composed on the mobile app and sent to the display. The flaps start whirring and each bit rotates to a designated position to reveal the message. The app also offers an assortment of channels that can be set to automatically display things like the time, the weather, inspirational quotes, and images on a predetermined schedule.

Designed By

Fred Bould, IDSA, Anson Cheung, IDSA, Teddy Luong, Han-Chiu Chen, and Josh Cope-Summerfield of Bould Design for Vestaboard, Inc
