Splash! How Good Water Works

Splash! How Good Water Works

Splash! How Good Water Works

The interactive exhibition Splash! How Good Water Works draws attention to the more than 1,800 gallons of water consumed by Californians each day. A playful scenography stages 10 problems and 10 solutions using print, video and sound in order to help visitors experience the actual and virtual presence of water in the products and services they use every day, such as steaks, t-shirts and light bulbs.

“Splash showcases the negative aspects of water waste, but it is demonstrated in a simple, playful, and quite powerful way.” – Lance Hussey, IDSA, Vice President and Creative Director

Credits: Nereo Zago, Muriel Dégerine, Nicole Pivirotto, Mayuko Soga, Manuel Toscano, Jenna Robles, Andrew Sieger, Kevin Estrada, Gerard Basil Stripling, Julia Bessler, Richard Corr and Ryan Riegner of ZAGO for The Ecology Center / Hurley

Contact: Muriel Degerine: [email protected]