SpeediCath Compact Eve

SpeediCath Compact Eve

SpeediCath Compact Eve

SpeediCath Compact Eve is a new generation intermittent catheter for women needing control over bladder function as a result of multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries. While traditional catheters can often draw unwanted attention in public, Compact Eve easily blends in to better fit into users’ lives. The triangular form is easy to grip and twist open for users who may have associated dexterity problems, and provides anti-roll if dropped. A smart, two-layered construction guarantees discretion in hand, handbag or trash by hiding the catheter and lubricant. The translucent outer layer also creates a stunning, high-end, glass-like effect—giving a feminine, lifestyle-feel while remaining reassuringly medical. Combining function with discrete, beautiful and stigma-free product design, Compact Eve sets new standards for quality in medical products.

Designed by: Coloplast and Native

Contact: [email protected]