- 2003
Client: Abbott Labs, Medisense Products
Sof-TactTM uses a miniature air pump to draw blood from a small puncture from sites such as the forearm, upper arm, or the base of the thumb-as opposed to typical fingertip test sites-for diabetes testing. Blood is drawn into a newly formulated test strip, achieving accurate test results. When lancet and test strip are loaded into unit, it can be used up to eight hours later. Test results are available fast and accurate on the unit’s LCD screen. Unit also features an external port where users can insert traditional finger-stick test strips if desired. The product creates a unique point of difference in the competitive diabetes management tool marketplace.
Contact: David A. Demar, IDSA,
IDI/Innovations & Development, Inc.,
[email protected]
Credit: IDI/Innovations & Development, Inc. and Abbott Labs, Medisense Products