


SmartMoney is an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) credit/debit payment device that increases transaction speed and convenience. When waved near a receiver base, transactions under $25 are processed automatically. Since adoption of RFID payment systems has been slow, Citi needed an iconic device that would be familiar to consumers as well as easy to use, access and carry. Reminiscent of a money clip, SmartMoney’s soft form and satin finish give it an appealing tactile feel as it dangles from a key chain or is retrieved from a purse. Two models are offered in a variety of transparent colors that reveal the technology inside. Since it doesn’t store any personal information, people can use SmartMoney without worries. Response to the device has far exceeded Citi’s expectations, surpassing that of RFID cards issued by other companies.

Contact: Kathleen Mazzacco
[email protected]

Credit: Ziba Design, Inc

Client: CitiCorp Credit Services, Inc.