Slingbox 700U

Slingbox 700U

Slingbox 700U

This is the smallest Slingbox–a place-shifting device assigned to communicate all your home video content to the web, for you to watch on your mobile phone, laptop or another TV, anywhere, anytime.  Uniquely, the Slingbox is designed to augment existing audio/video equipment such as set-top boxes, DVRs and satellite receivers with HD place-shifting capability.

“A decorative skinless heat sink as product for an innovative delivery service nugget of smarts!  I believe Sling has started something a movement here that other boxologists will have to try to outdo.”  –Brett Lovelady, IDSA, ASTRO

Contact: Gadi Amit: [email protected]

Credit: Gadi Amit, Inbal Etgar, Chad Harber and Min Soek Song of NewDealDesign LLC, and Dallas Grove of SlingMedia Inc.