Safe-Vent™Integral: Arterial Syringe Venting & Needle Safety System

Safe-Vent™Integral: Arterial Syringe Venting & Needle Safety System

Safe-Vent™Integral: Arterial Syringe Venting & Needle Safety System

Safe-Vent allows a medical technician to safely vent gas bubbles out of an arterial blood sample while capturing the needle—and all in fewer steps than current state-of-the-art systems. Only one hand is needed to engage the needle safety device and vent the sample. Today’s leading systems require two-handed operation. Since it reduces the sample’s exposure to ambient air, Safe-Vent can provide more accurate diagnoses. It also reduces the technician’s risk of exposure to potential blood-borne pathogens.

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Credit: Formation Design Group

Client: ModalWorks Inc.