


PulpaTronics helps replace conventional radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags with more sustainable alternatives. RFID tags are simple electronic circuits embedded in products for identification through radio signals. PulpaTronics aims to reduce the number of components in RFID tags while simplifying their manufacturing and enhancing their recyclability. The PulpaTronics RFID tags are made of paper only. The circuitry is created by inducing a conductive carbon-based material on the surface of the paper using laser technology. To eliminate the microchips responsible for storing information, PulpaTronics RFID tags store data in their geometrical pattern instead.

Designed By

Barna Soma Biro, S/IDSA, Chloe So, S/IDSA, Jingyan Chen, and Rui Ma, S/IDSA of Imperial College London & Royal College of Art
