Oster Equine Care Series

Oster Equine Care Series

Oster Equine Care Series

On the Web:

  • Fitch: www.fitch.com
  • NPI: www.npi.com
  • Sunbeam: www.osterpro.com/productModels.asp?ProdCatID=6

Client: Sunbeam Products, Inc

Most horse grooming tools are stand-alone items with only a scattered selection of tools offered by a particular manufacturer. Most tools on the market fail to address ergonomic problems, offering little in the way of usability or materials. The Oster Equine Care Series have a strong and consistent visual language and significant ergonomic improvements. In addition, research showed consumers were eager for a nationally recognized brand they could count on for reliable products.

  • Tools designed for smaller hands as most of the equine community is made up of women and teenage girls.
  • Set contains eight tools that can be purchased separately or together.
  • The materials that make up the product are recyclable (except for natural pig hair used in certain brushes).

Contact: Clare Matthias, Fitch,
[email protected]

Credit: Fitch and New Product Innovations, Inc