Niton family of XRF Analyzers & Accessories

Niton family of XRF Analyzers & Accessories

Niton family of XRF Analyzers & Accessories

These portable x-ray fluorescence analyzers can quickly and non-destructively determine the elemental composition of any sample. Applications include lead paint testing, soil contamination testing, mining, material identification in scrap yards and heavy metal detection in plastics. This product was the first of its kind to address significant ergonomic considerations, thereby transforming a commodity product in a saturated market into a market success. Sales have been so brisk that competitors have begun to offer their own ergonomically designed analyzers. Although these competing designs may mimic the look of Niton’s products, their level of ergonomic development falls short of Niton, so no appreciable market share has been lost.

“The designer succeeded at using the classic design problem-solving process-and achieved critical performance.” -Eric Chan, IDSA, President, ECCO Design

Contact: Heather Andrus,
Altitude, Inc, USA,
617 623 7600 x 246,
[email protected]

Credit: Altitude, Inc; Niton, LLC