MXXY Hydration Backpack

MXXY Hydration Backpack

MXXY Hydration Backpack

MXXY is a hydration pack for sports use that lets you mix the exact ratio of water and hydration supplements when you need it. Peak athletic performance requires electrolytes, caffeine, amino acids, and more. Instead of carrying multiple beverages, MXXY provides a solution for customizable and efficient hydration. The internal balance control valve connects both reservoirs. This valve connects to a dial that is placed on the backpack strap for easy access. Just turn to adjust the water-to-supplement ratio. It offers five dilution settings to ensure the ideal mix of water and nutrition.

Designed By

Ariel Turgel, IDSA, Benjamin Martin, Mickey Makay, and Yale Shaw of Whipsaw Inc. for MXXY Outdoor
