Mac Mini

Mac Mini

Mac Mini

The Mac mini is the most affordable and compact computer offering from Apple ever. It weighs only 2.9 pounds and sits just two-inches high. A retail price starting at $499 makes the Mac mini attractive to an entirely new segment of computer users. However, its compact form and affordable price doesn’t sacrifice power. Inside, the machine boasts a PowerPC G4 processor, slot-load combo DVD-CDRW drive, up to 80 gig hard drive, a speaker and is configurable with Airport Extreme and Bluetooth wireless communications.

It is a BYODKM (Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard and Mouse) system, so you can use the peripherals you already have or choose any combination of new devices. The design’s streamlined aesthetics perfectly complement Apple’s existing product line. Sales have been strong. First quarter results exceeded company expectations by 15 percent.

“In the last century, Braun led the design world by doing what it preached resulting in beautiful Eurostyle appliances in kitchens across America. Today Apple is the leader, continuing to hammer away at both bad design and fluffy design. Their design philosophy is getting close the ultimate “less is more.” The only decoration is the logo – valid only because it stands (subtly) for such good design. The color, the shape, the materials all whisper perfection so loudly that there is no room for competition. -Tucker Viemeister, FIDSA, President, Springtime-USA

Contact: Misty Stam,
Apple Computer, Inc., USA,
[email protected]

Credit: Apple Computer, Inc.