Kelvin Coffee Bean Roaster Concept

Kelvin Coffee Bean Roaster Concept

Kelvin Coffee Bean Roaster Concept

The craft coffee movement has formed new rituals with a beverage that has been around for centuries. From purchasing craft beans to hand grinding and using artisanal brewing methods, there have never been more options to enjoy or find self-expression in coffee. Yet, there was no widely accessible way to control the roast of the beans that go into that ritual. Now, with Kelvin Coffee Bean Roaster Concept, there is an easy way to roast fresh beans at home. In just a few minutes on your countertop, custom roast beans in small batches that are ready to grind, brew and enjoy!

Designed by: Dan Kraemer, Luis Velasquez, Luke Westra, Derek Smith and Sean Sanders of IA Collaborative

Contact: Lila J. Trickle