Future of First Response Research

Future of First Response Research

Future of First Response Research

Future of First Response Vision shows a way forward to products, tools and systems to keep emergency teams safe—and help them do their best as they keep the public safe. The research involved: ride-alongs with major metropolitan fire, police and emergency medical service (EMS) crews; nationwide, interdisciplinary workshops with fire chiefs, firefighters, police captains and officers, EMS commanders and technicians and first response device makers; frameworks to highlight core challengers faced by first responders; experiential prototypes; traveling prototype exhibit to share concepts with first responders and potential developers; and videos showcasing the research and results. 

Designed by: Tim Tocci, Alison Kotin, Elizabeth Kneen, Kristin Heist and Yuhgo Yamaguchi of Continuum LLC for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Contact: Allison Ryder