Fitbit Tracker

Fitbit Tracker

Fitbit Tracker

Like a thumb-drive for fitness powered by sophisticated 3-D motion sensor technology, the FitBit Tracker counts steps taken, calories burned and quality of sleep, conveying this data in the blue glow of an OLED display. FitBit is a miniature wireless tracker that clips easily to clothing, complementing any outfit. With its own web account, this wellness device paints a vivid digital picture of overall activity as well as automatically uploading data of its wearer’s movements for easy tracking of progress over time.

“Finally a health device that creates and carries its own identity!  The clip form factor is very appropriate and intuitive, the design language blends jewelry cues and consumer electronics quality into a very memorable yet discrete object.”  –Sandrine Lebas, LUNAR

Contact: Gadi Amit: [email protected]

Credit: Gadi Amit, IDSA, Yoshi Hoshino, Nichole Towler, Laura Bucholtz and Barbara Stettler of NewDealDesign LLC for Fitbit Inc.