Falck Innovation Strategy

Falck Innovation Strategy

Falck Innovation Strategy

In October 2019, Falck completed a financial turnaround. The time was ripe to look toward the future, but with a world full of healthcare challenges, the question was, where to start? Falck developed an innovation strategy comprised of a company-wide innovation purpose and a methodology for running human-centered design projects. The strategy was informed by rigorous ethnographic patient research, expert interviews, and analysis of Falckā€™s existing business. It allows Falck to be intentional about selecting projects that will have the greatest impact for the people it serves, as well as it makes sound business sense. At the heart of the strategy is one innovation purpose and four solutions spaces. The purpose, exploring ways to save and improve even more lives, gives a clear mandate. The solutions spaces are strategic focus areas that will enable Falck to prioritize innovation activities over time.

Designed by: Eilidh Dickson and Anna Hellmer of Falck Global Innovation

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