- 2006
The Eva Solo Tea-maker is a complete solution to tea making. The Eva Solo design utilizes a solid metal cup that when depressed fully encases the leaves, preventing further steeping and the tea from becoming bitter. Because the elongated filter allows the leaves to extend to the bottom of the carafe, a partial pot is easily brewed. When pouring, the unique flip-top lid opens automatically with the metal lip preventing messy drips. The fabric cover (referred to as a “tea-shirt”) keeps the tea hot and accentuates the sleek lines of the glass jug as well as protects the pourer’s hand and the table from heat. The “shirt” comes in a variety of colors and materials to allow consumers to “dress” their tea maker to fit their personal style.
“This universal, classic design fulfills all the requirements for a satisfying experience for any tea drinker.”
–Betty Baugh, FIDSA, principal, Betty Baugh Design
Contact: Henrik Holbaek
Tools Design
+45 38 19 41 14
[email protected]
Credit: Tools Design (Denmark)
Client: Eva Denmark A/S (Denmark)