Envoy – Electric Cars as an Amenity

Envoy – Electric Cars as an Amenity

Envoy – Electric Cars as an Amenity

Envoy is an inclusive electric-car-sharing amenity that provides short-term cars where you live, work and stay. It allows any member of the community—office workers, neighbors and such—to access electric car mobility with their access cards. Partnering with local governments, the ambitious startup is a turnkey alternative to car ownership, reducing congestion in cities so they’re sustainable. Envoy’s brand system is as vibrant and dynamic as the company, its founders and target audience.

Designed by: Gadi Amit, IDSA, Jon Patterson, Jen Phannguyen, Ben Wong and Timmy Chau of NewDealDesign for Envoy

Contact: [email protected], www.newdealdesign.com